Starting a clothing manufacturing unit in 1995 was a bold step. He was quite successful in his previous job; a LIC agent earning more than enough for his family and savings. But his passion for starting a business always gave him sleepless nights. "Which business can I start next?" was his constant thought.
In 1983 at the age of 15, he and his friend started a trading business of onions and potatoes. They tried taking contracts from IIT (Bombay), but they rejected them because these boys were too young to work. When he was 18, with two of his friends, started selling Vada-Pav at Parel, Mumbai. He learned to fry Vada and Bhajji. The business was going great for three years.
Alas, for him, it ended with no money but a lot of hard work and a lot of experience. Experience which he will use after he started Neo Garments.